Magic Smoke Flux Bottle, 59ml


Everyone who wrangles electrons, from the furries in the server room to the millbillies at the powerhouse and the climbing crews inbetween all know the power of magic smoke. But the people who are actually holding a soldering iron in their hand need flux. We all have our favourite combinations of solder and flux for various jobs, and there’s a flux bottle on every electronics workbench, big and small. From Berkely to Bali, we all need flux. And it all comes in ugly bottles.

So I created this, it’s the bottle to put YOUR favorite brand of liquid flux in on your workbench. I just gave it the proper name. You can now have your own bottle of magic smoke, as every electronics genius requires. This is the dispensing bottle for you to fill with your own favorite flux, and show to anyone to wants to come bother you and ask questions.

I give you, Magic Smoke.

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